has required a difficult compromise. With
conventional systems, if you make premium
sound your priority, you have to deal with
large speakers, stacks of equipment and
plenty of wires to hook them up. Opt for
small size and simplicity, and you sacrifice
the sound.
M e e t the Bose W ave® m usic system .
It delivers all the pleasures of premium
sound from a compact system without the
traditional compromises or limitations.
Rich Warren of the
says it
"will flat out seduce you." And
Forbes FYI
reports that "you'll think you're listening
that costs five
times more."
Easy to enjoy. The Wave® music system
provides a room full of Bose quality sound
from an all-in-one system that requires
little space and is delightfully simple to
use. There are no wires to hook up, no
confusing buttons or dials to adjust. Just
plug it in and hear the kind of sound
that you may have only thought possible
from a much larger system. In fact, David
Novak, the Gadget Guy, says, "It can easily
replace whatever component system you
currently have."
*Bose paym ent plan available on orders of S299-S1500 paid by m ajor credit card. Separate financing offers may be available fo r select products. See w e bsite for details. Down paym ent is 1/12 the product price plus applicable ta x and shipping charges, charged when
your order is shipped. Then, your credit card w il be bil ed fo r l1 equal m onthly instal m ents beginning approxim ately one month from th e date your order is shipped, w ith 0% APR and no interest charges from Bose. Credit card rules and interest may apply. U S . residents
only. Lim it one active financing program per customer. © 2 0 1 0 Bose Corporation. Patent rights issued and/or pending. The W ave® m usic system 's distinctive design is also a registered tradem ark o f Bose Corporation. Financing and savings offers not to be combined w ith
other offers or applied to previous purchases, and subject to change w ith o u t notice. If the W ave® music system is returned, the M ulti-C D Changer m ust be returned for a fu l refund. Offers are lim ited to purchases made from Bose and participating authorized dealers.
O ffer valid 11/1/10-12/31/10. Risk fre e refers to 30-day tria l only, requires product purchase and does not include return shipping. Delivery is subject to product availability. Quotes reprinted w ith perm ission: Thomas Jackson,
Forbes FYI,
W inter/04.
Easy to use. A credit card-style remote lets
you operate everything - a convenience you'll
appreciate when playing CDs or MP3 CDs,
tuning into FM/AM radio or setting the clock
and alarm. You can connect an additional audio
source, so enjoying lifelike sound from your TV
or MP3 player couldn't be simpler. You also can
add an optional Multi-CD Changer to enjoy your
favorite music for hours. And with its small and
elegant design, the Wave® music system fits in
just about anywhere: your living room, kitchen,
bedroom, wherever you want better sound.
Easy to try. Use our 30-day, risk-free trial
to experience the Wave® music system in
your home. Listen to your favorite music, try
it in different rooms and hear what you've
been missing.
Easy to order. Simply choose your favorite
Platinum White, Graphite Gray or
Titanium Silver. When you call, ask about
making 12 easy payments, with no interest
charges from Bose.* Order your system with
the Multi-CD Changer by December 31, 2010,
and save $100. When your Wave® music
system arrives, just take it out of the box, plug
it in and slip in your favorite CD. Then sit back
and experience the kind of performance that
has made Bose the most respected name in
sound. Now what could be easier than that?
$ 1 0 0
when you order the
Wave® music system with
our Multi-CD Changer by
December 31,2010.
To order or learn more:
ext. TW
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